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Threat Focus Diligence™

Start a New Security Audit

  • All approved IP's (for intensive DoS tests) are displayed in a drop down box for easy selection. Users can also enter an ad-hoc IP from their network to perform a 'Safe Mode' scan.
  • The list of valid TCP ports for that account type is displayed. Users can also enter logical descriptions for each scan to easily identify them from a list of completed scans.
  • Scheduled frequencies of Day, Week, Month, or Quarter can be pre-selected to automate scanning.
  • Each scan can be run in a 'Denial of Service' or 'Safe Mode'. When the Safe Mode box is unchecked, the vulnerability audit will attempt to perform the actual hacker exploits on your system so you can validate that you have installed the patches and safeguards properly.
Scans be run in a 'Differential Mode' which allows you to do exact comparisons between a baseline report and today's tests to identify ONLY the latest vulnerabilities for each asset. Scheduled scans can also be run as a differential scan to automate the security testing process.
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