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Threat Focus Diligence™

Network threats are constantly changing and evolving. The question is not if your network is vulnerable, but where? New vulnerabilities are discovered every day and old vulnerabilities are being exploited in new ways. To keep up requires diligence.

  • Worms, Trojan Horses, malicious code, and countless blended threats are probing and seeking to penetrate your network every day.
  • Today's hacking tools and methods are very sophisticated and widely available. Your defense requires equal sophistication plus constant attention to the latest exploits and penetration methods.
  • Firewalls, Virus scanners and even the latest IDS solutions and are not enough on their own to protect your systems from next generation attacks.
  • Traditional methods of keeping up with all of the latest threats and countermeasures are labor intensive and represent an almost impossible challenge in the 24/7 world of the Internet.
This demonstration will show you how Threat Focus Diligence TM solves these problems while simultaneously reducing information overload allowing you to concentrate on making your network safer.

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